Hi Simon,
We have one, an SP1 model dating to around 1965. We've used it for over 20 years and whilst it's possibly not as accurate as modern horizontal axis gear it is quite adequate, was cheap and has the added advantage of being light and reasonably strong. We have used it a lot for cruising and wouldn't want to be without it. There are a number fitted on other Twisters too.
If you have any queries I'd be more than happy to try and answer and may be able to find some pictures of the installation too. I also have a full set of instructions but unfortunately they and the Haslar are on the boat, currently overwintering in Finland so not much help!
Best Wishes for 2017

Hi I have a Haslar on my twister, not sure if it is a sp1 or 2 but it was made I think on licence in Southampton boat yard and came with a technical drawing which included fitting instructions.
Got a guy down in Gweek to help me fit it
It is not the most accurate I guess but once you get used to setting it and the sails I really love mine.
Chris Jasabe

Michael & Norma Greenwood said
I have an SP2 Hasler Vane from 1970s. I have a movie of it in action which is too big for uploading though I could email it to you by send this file.
I have been away sailing and only just got back to the posts. I do need help on the actual installation details. I would like to mount the unit on top of the transom but fear that the servo blade will then be too high out of the water? Any thoughts? Thanks.
No problem. You just need a longer paddle blade. When we bought our SP1 second hand it came with 2 blades. The short one was OK, just, with the boat upright but too short when she heeled. The long one is just fine. I can't tell you its length as it's on the boat but I'd say it is about 1.2m/4 ft.
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