I'm going to fit a through hull transducer on my boat. It will be in the vicinity of the forward lifting strop. Does any member have a picture of their boat being lifted. This would help me decide where to make the transducer hole. This will be built up to alow the transducer to sit on a vertical plane and I do not want it catching on the strops.
I have read a article in the archives saying where the stops go. However, a picture would show where they are under the waterline.
Thank you in advance.
Mark and Anne
Yacht Sycorax
Above left is Elida with, obviously, Viveza. The transducer for the echo sounder is not obvious so I have ringed it. Note that, for Elida the forward strop is further aft. The hull is a little concave here so that the forward sling sits, in part, clear of the hull. Viveza's transducer is just forward of the aft main bulkhead to the heads.
Note, for Viveza, the rope linking the two strops. This was regarded as important by Darthaven.
yes that sling rope was this year(last week) as the operator was worried about the strap slipping forwards. In fact he was worried about the whole operation because he couldn't get the slings close enough together. I had to show him my hull markings and the video and other pictures to convince him it was ok!
I think I was the smallest and slinkiest hull he had ever lifted 🙂
Simon Carter
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